Encephalartos aemulans

Family: Cycadae    Cycadee

Gemeinsamer Name: Ngotshe Cycad

Klimazone: 9a     Sehen Sie sich die britischen und amerikanischen Zone Karten

Encephalartos aemulans Informationen

This is a small to medium sized cycad with an erect stem attaining 3m with a diameter of 35cm, leaves a glossy dark green colour growing to 2m in length, cones covered with dense brown hairs while the seeds are a bright red colour.

Allgemeine Informationen:
Described in 1990 endemic to Southern Africa occurring on a single hill in Natal, the climate suited to this specie is hot in summer and cool to cold in winter. Related to E. natalensis and E. lebomboensis this species enjoys full sun and excellent drainage and tolerates light frosts. Critically Endangered.


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