Aloe aculeata Informationen
A single rosette up to 1 meter high and wide is formed. Leaves are long and quite broad at the base, 120mm wide, and are dull-green in colour. The leaves are curved inward which gives the rosette the rounded appearance. The leaf-margin is armed with reddish-brown triangular teeth. A distinctive feature on the leaf surfaces is the presence of numerous thorns. In some species the thorn is a different colour to the surrounding tissue which give the plant a mottled appearance. In young plants the infloresence is single, as the plant matures the inflorescence may split into three or four branches. Each raceme is long and narrow and gradually tapers to the tip. Flowers are tubular in shape, 40mm in length, vary in colour from yellow to reddish-orange. Some specimens are uniform in volour while others bicoloured (yellow during bud stage and yellow when flowering).
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Heimisch in, South Africa