Aloe suprafoliata

Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae   

Gemeinsamer Name: Book Aloe

Gemeinsamen Synonymie:

Klimazone: 8b     Sehen Sie sich die britischen und amerikanischen Zone Karten

Aloe suprafoliata Informationen

Solitary rosettes forms on stems that are not visible. In juvenile plants two-ranked and the spiral arrangement only appears fter a few years of growth. Leaves are bluish-green in colour, leaf-margins are armed with sharp brown teeth. Leaf tips are often red in colour especially in hot dry weather. Up to three simple inflorescences are borne from the plant simultaneously. Racemes are long and narrow and appear to have a silvery sheen. Flowers are pinkish-red in colour, cylindrical in shape.

Allgemeine Informationen:
Easy to cultivate species. Frost tolerant.


Heimisch in, South Africa

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