Cyathea loheri Image
Cyathea loheri
Copyright © Phil Markey

Cyathea loheri

Family: Cyatheaceae   

Gemeinsamer Name: Keine bekannt

Gemeinsamen Synonymie:
nan yang suo lu

Klimazone: 9b     Sehen Sie sich die britischen und amerikanischen Zone Karten

Cyathea loheri Informationen

Trunk erect, up to 5 m or more tall, ca. 15 cm in diam.; stipe and rachis brown to dark purple-brown, not spiny, with wartlike projections and scales; scales lanceolate, 5-6 mm, pale brown, lustrous, or minute and irregular, sometimes with a light brown central longitudinal band, margins flabellate-celled at base, with reddish setulae; lamina 2-pinnate-pinnatifid, up to 2 m; lowest pinnae usually reduced; pinnae up to 35-50 cm; pinnules 5-7 cm, mostly divided up to costules into adnate segments; abaxial side with flat yellowish scales 5-6 mm, with flabellate margins and very small farinose brown scales; adaxial side of costae densely covered with matted brownish hairs and narrow scales; abaxial side of costules with light brown bullate scales; veinlets usually forked. Sori costular, indusia lustrous, brown to purplish, globose, opening along an apical slit, later fragmenting and sometimes appearing cup-shaped; paraphyses absent.

Allgemeine Informationen:
Occurs in dry forests that are generally absent of fern species, but at an elevation within cloud-base, where it becomes misted regularly by the clouds. An exceptionally rare species; 1000-1600 m. SE Taiwan Borneo, Philippines.


Heimisch in, Philippines, Taiwan

In Taiwan it occurs only at 1400-1600 m elevation in Pingtung and Taitung Counties.

Ort: Taiwan (11.038870°N, 122.324013°E)

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