Cyathea metteniana Informationen
Caudex erect, usually short, sometimes to 1 m tall. Stipes 70-100 cm long, 6-10 mm wide, purplish to black, polished; basal scales abundant, lanceolate, brown, with pale margins, the base broadened, the apex long attenuate; fronds 1-2.5 m long, tripinnatifid, broadly deltoid; pinnae 35-60 cm long, pinnules 6-10 cm long, short stalked; veinlets free, simple, in 4-5 pairs; ultimate segments serrate; scales on lower surface of rachillae and costae sparse, small, pale brown; upper surface of rachis, rachillae and costae pubescent. Sori medial on veinlets, the paraphyses aboundant.
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Heimisch in, China, Japan, Taiwan
Japan, the Ryukyus, Taiwan and China
Ort: Taiwan (23.789930°N, 121.032257°E)