Dypsis gronophyllum Informationen
A newly described species from Fianarantsoa, Vondrozo, Madiorano, Anivontany, Madagascar, in valley just beneath the road to Ivohibe, 10 km west of Madiorano, in a swamp rich of herbaceous plants in submontane forest, at 656 m elevation. Slender undergrowth palm, clustering of 2 to 5 stems, 3m 50 tall, 1 cm diam., internodes 1-3 cm long, leaves pinnnate, 7-12 in the crown, 9 leaflets in each side of the rachis, leaflest preamorse, inflorescence interfoliar, branched to 2 orders.
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Heimisch in, Madagascar
656 m elevation.
Ort: Madagascar (-22.496176°N, 47.071609°E)