Eremospatha dransfieldii Informationen
Clustered robust rattan palm climbing to 40 m tall. Stems circular in cross-section, without sheaths, 18-24 mm in diameter, with 25-30 mm; internodes 10-16 cm. Leaf sheath lightly striate, indumentum absent, but sheath often profusely covered with orange-brown scale insects; ocrea entire, obliquely truncate, extending for 1-2 cm above the leaf junction; knee conspicuous, narrowly linear, 2-4 cm long, rather abrupt at base. Leaves sessile, up to 3.5 m long; rachis 1.2-1.5 m long, abaxially rounded, adaxially convex to concave, becoming trapezoid then triangular in cross-section distally, armed along the margins with robust reflexed, bulbous-based, yellow-orange, spines, becoming more sparsely armed distally; cirrus 1.2-1.5 m long, unarmed; leaflets up to 40 on each side of the rachis, inequidistant, opposite to sub-opposite, highly variable in shape, obovate-ellipticus to oblanceolate to rhomboid, obtusely cuneate at base, more or less praemorse at apex, 12-30 cm long by 3.5-5.5 cm broad; lowermost leaflets, smaller than the rest, linear, strap-like or broadly-lanceolate, armed along the margins with robust bulbous-based yellow to orange spines, laxly swept back across, or tightly clasping stem; acanthophylls 3-4 cm long. Flowers and fruits unknown.
Allgemeine Informationen:
Eremospatha dransfieldii is a light demanding species found particularly along forest margins, in gaps after tree fall and along roadsides. The species is restricted to areas of high rainfall ( greater than 2,000 mm) and is locally abundant where it occurs.
Heimisch in, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast
The main distribution is centred in the Western Region of Ghana and eastern Ivory Coast with additional populations in Sierra Leone.
Ort: Ivory coast (6.820262°N, -6.020508°E)
Eremospatha dransfieldii Overlay-Bild ©2024 Trebrown - Nein unerlaubte Umverteilung.