Wettinia kalbreyeri

Family: Arecaceae    Palme

Gemeinsamer Name: Macana Palm

Klimazone: 9b     Sehen Sie sich die britischen und amerikanischen Zone Karten

Wettinia kalbreyeri Informationen

Stems solitary, rarely clustered, 10-20 m tall and 10-20 cm diameter, with stilt roots to 1 m long. Leaves 4-5, with a prominent green crownshaft; leaflets 19-26 per side, each divided to base into 2-4 narrow, arching segments spreading in different planes. Inflorescences with 15 at each node; fruits globose to shortly ellipsoid, 2.4-3.5 cm long, hairy, green; endosperm homogenous.

Allgemeine Informationen:
Variable in the shape of the fruits and the hairs on the leaves.


Heimisch in, Colombia, Ecuador

Premontane and montane rain forest at 600-2100 m elevation but more common at 1200-1600 m.

Ort: Colombia, Ecuador (2.441156°N, -77.167969°E)

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